Assistant Launch Plans

Ranging from the busy professional to the do-it-all founder, each of our plans is designed to reclaim precious hours each week and allow you to live the fullest life possible.

You Might Be Thinking... What Does Life With An Executive Assistant Look Like?

Before the morning coffee hits your lips, your EA is already sifting through the avalanche of emails that came in overnight. Only the ones truly requiring your attention remain. The rest? He/She is working to respond to or file them accordingly and clear the clutter.

There's a daily briefing waiting for you in your Slack Channel or email - a neat summary of the day ahead and the tasks they're prioritizing as well as the stuff you need to remember. You might hop on a quick call to touch base and catch any curveballs the day might throw.

You will feel more consistent. Your schedule is more streamlined. The right meetings happen and the not-so-right ones don't.

Your day is optimized, leaving you space to breathe and focus on the big picture. Running a little late for a meeting? No worries. A quick text to your EA and they'll handle any rescheduling or time adjustments needed.

Your EA doesn't stop at just managing your professional life. They're also there for the personal touches that can fall by the wayside during busy weeks. Remembering a special anniversary gift for your partner? Ordering that stuff on Amazon? Already taken care of.

Your EA has researched and shortlisted options for the perfect date night - all you have to do is make the final decision.

The truth is, this only scratches the surface of what an EA does in a day. They're there to be your right-hand person, handling tasks big and small.

Book a Discovery Call

Support Plans That Match Your Needs


Dedicated Support Per Month


For the professional – the person that has one or two small projects per week to hand off and looking to free up a few hours of spare time.

1 Authorized User
Full Time

Dedicated Support Per Month


For the individual or team looking for max ROI to grow and grow fast – they know there’s an opportunity to create more time to focus on growth, but don’t know how.

2 Authorized Users

Dedicated Support Per Month

Contact Us

Contact us for your corporate EA Needs. We can offer solutions tailored to the specific support needs that you and your business may have.

Custom Authorized Users

How We Do It?

Discover & Align

Start with a discovery call to ensure we're the right fit and we can truly boost your productivity.

Seal the Deal

Subscribe to begin your journey towards enhanced efficiency.

Strategic Onboarding

Dive deep with us in our custom-developed process to understand your time management, tasks, and priorities.

Perfect Pairing

Meet your assistant and embark on your journey to a more organized, less stressed life.

Ongoing Optimization

Regular support, feedback sessions, and brainstorming for continuous improvement and maximum productivity.

Assistant Launch Vs. Others

Experience the result of high-quality Executive Support tailored specifically to you. We're the choice Founders make when they're done settling for less. Here's why we stand out from the crowd:

Assistant Launch
100 hours starts at $1,500. More bang for your buck.
100 hours for $2,000. More expensive, less value.
Specially Developed Custom Onboarding designed to uncover your  needs and expand your thinking.
Basic onboarding. They might miss the specifics.
Assistant Quality
Only the top .5% to 1% get through. Experienced, sharp, and skilled EAs you can rely on.
Varying quality and experience. It's hit or miss. VAs instead of EAs.
Level of Support
Your EA is 100% dedicated to you. One client, one EA.
Shared VAs, split attention. Less dedication, less focus.
Customer Service
Dedicated Client Success Manager who finds and solves EA problems before you do.
“Email us with issues”
Coaching Included
Free brainstorming and delegation coaching included. Get the most out of your EA.
Coaching not included. You might not be utilizing your VA fully.
Communication Skills
Masters of communication is our #1 core value. Clear and effective interactions, Excellent written & verbal skills.
Mixed bag of communication skills. Possible misunderstandings.
Risk-Free Guarantee
Your satisfaction is guaranteed, or we refund your unused hours.
Guarantee? Not always. You may take the hit.
Team Scalability
Your EA support grows with your business. Ready when you are.
Growth? They might struggle to keep up.
No Minimum Commitments
Our Job security is to create more value for you.
3 month to 1 year minimum commitments

Assistant Launch

100 hours starts at $1,500. More bang for your buck.


100 hours for $2,000. More expensive, less value.

Assistant Launch

Specially Developed Custom Onboarding designed to uncover your  needs and expand your thinking.


Basic onboarding. They might miss the specifics.

Assistant Launch

Only the top .5% to 1% get through. Experienced, sharp, and skilled EAs you can rely on.


Varying quality and experience. It's hit or miss. VAs instead of EAs.

Assistant Launch

Your EA is 100% dedicated to you. One client, one EA.


Shared VAs, split attention. Less dedication, less focus.

Assistant Launch

Dedicated Client Success Manager who finds and solves EA problems before you do.


“Email us with issues”

Assistant Launch

Free brainstorming and delegation coaching included. Get the most out of your EA.


Coaching not included. You might not be utilizing your VA fully.

Assistant Launch

Masters of communication is our #1 core value. Clear and effective interactions, Excellent written & verbal skills.


Mixed bag of communication skills. Possible misunderstandings.

Assistant Launch

Your satisfaction is guaranteed, or we refund your unused hours.


Guarantee? Not always. You may take the hit.

Assistant Launch

Your EA support grows with your business. Ready when you are.


Growth? They might struggle to keep up.

Assistant Launch

Our Job security is to create more value for you.


3 month to 1 year minimum commitments

Get Your Free Custom Delegation Roadmap

Submit your details and our team will send you a customized report of what you're likely doing each day that an EA can support you with right now.

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How to get started?

Click below and schedule a discovery call!

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